...but his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night
Psalms 1:2

Soap Devotional Pack Bible in a Year: 365-Day Reading Plan Download 365-Day SOAP Reading Plan Download Entry Sample
At FWCC our desire is that every believer would not just attend church once a week, but also hear from God by sitting at His feet daily through His Word! As we read the Bible, we begin to see how God responds to things. Doing daily devotions helps to outline the way we think, transforms the spirit of our mind, and helps us become more like Jesus, the Word made flesh!
We at FWCC encourage you to read God's Word every day. Many of us have joined together to participate in the S.O.A.P. Bible reading program.
S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. It’s a great way to delve more deeply into your Bible reading, and record your thoughts, emotions and connections when studying scripture. The bible in Joshua 1:8 (NIV) teaches us to “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
S.O.A.P. journaling is a simple and excellent way to both record and process what God has spoken to you. It's also a useful tool to use at a later time when you want to reflect on and review some of the 'gems' that you have
received. Without writing them down, you may forget those blessings and important
lessons! Furthermore, while journaling is a very personal time with the Lord,
you may want to share some of your daily journaling with your bible study group,
small cell group, Sunday school class or spouse, so having a written record becomes
very important! Through discussion, you may be able to look deeper into what God
is speaking to you,gain new insight, and even encourage others!
Four things you will need:
· Bible
· Pen
· Journal
· Daily Reading Guide
Use the S.O.A.P Method of Bible Reading
Step 1 Find a quiet time and space to read your Bible, preferably at the same time each day. Many people find that reading scripture in the morning helps get their day off to a focused start.
Step 2 Complete the “S” by reading the daily scripture. Don’t just skim through it, but really think about what it means. Imagine what the people involved were experiencing. Write down a verse or two that really stood out to you in your journal.
Step 3 Complete the “O” by writing down observations about the scripture you just read. You may want to write your own summary of the passage, but more importantly, think about what God has to say to you through this part of His word.
Step 4 Complete the “A” by writing down how this Bible passage applies to you right now, in your daily life. For example, in the parable about the prodigal son, which character do you identify with most: the loving and merciful father, the son who squanders his life and then repents, or the resentful older brother? Do you see similar situations in your life right now? How can you respond in the way Jesus has taught you?
Step 5 Complete the “P” by writing down a prayer. This is a personal message from you to God, so don’t worry about getting the perfect words down. Just make it honest and heartfelt. Remember that God always listens, and already knows your needs. He just wants to hear from you.