Receive Salvation Today
Do you know JESUS?
Do you Believe in Jesus Christ?
Have You Ever Repented and Accepted Him as Your Savior?
If your answer is "Yes," you know the joy of being in the family of God! Praise God!
But if your answer is "No," consider these two questions:
1. Do not know what it means to “accept Him into your heart”?
2. Are you willing to surrender your life totally to Jesus Christ?
If you would like to receive Jesus today, please read and following these simple steps to salvation.
· First: Admit you’re a sinner. (I have done wrong things in my life. I haven’t been perfect)
Prayer: Lord, I have sinned against you and my sin deserves judgment. Please forgive me of my sins.
· Second: Be willing to turn away from your sins/wrong-doing (Repent).
Prayer: I admit my guilt and repent of my wrong doings. Please accept me
· Third: Believe that Jesus died for you on the cross and was raised from the grave.
Prayer: I believe with all my heart that Jesus died for my sins paying the full debt with his blood and that God raised Him from the dead.
· Fourth: Ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and take control your life.
Prayer: Jesus, please come into my heart. I surrender totally to you as Lord and I trust you to give me eternal life.
Thank you for making me a Christian, In Jesus name, Amen.
If these steps and prayer truly expressed the desire of your heart, then you can be sure that you have received salvation.
Now you should:
Tell someone about your new faith.
Begin attending a good Bible-teaching church.
Be baptized by immersion as a public declaration of your new faith
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